Comment to 'Birth?'
Comment to Birth?
  • A very interesting and important question!

    I am thinking of who influence instead of owning, as I am having a hard time in conceiving of the birth or manifestation of a new life form in terms of ownership. I am not sure we can "own" in that sense, though folks can generally think in that way.

    However, a numerous parties participate in the opportunity of birth. The moment the core-self is connected to the suitable apparatus to lead a manifested life in the particular environment, it's own karmic trajectory influences it's births, based on causelessly divinely arranged mechanisms.

    But also:

    • The involved parents, their families, and their support systems from the subtle realm (living and mostly departed),
    • The communities it will be part of and those that it has been part of in previous lives,
    • The environment it is coming into and that includes the current law (in this case the supreme as well as state laws).
    • The political and organic or natural circumstances. 
    • Material circumstances defined as science (medical) environmental, biological, etc...                                 

    In addition, deities involved in the welfare of said core-self in different capacities.

    In brief, living entities are core-selves manifesting in an environment by the support and influences of a multitude of factors and actors. We are living entities helplessly manifested time and time again, at the mercy of circumstances.