Comment to 'All - Electrical Signals'
  • In a recent seminar, a scientist in this field told there are startups back from 2005-2010, which are growing consciousness of humanoids in a desktop computer.

    So some of them (3-4) have a neural network or algorithmic code that were self learning from internet on human emotions, interactions, etc over a decade now.

    Now, these humanoid consciousness are over 13-15 years and they behave like a child or teenager. Problem is they are running out of any uptodate available hardware to keep them running at this pace of multiplying neural networks. He said average human at his peak age has 10-20 trillion neural connections in the brain, that number is gigantic in chip world to process so much information.

    So, they are struggling to emulate a human consciousness or brain activity in robot due to sheer no. of neural networks in the brain.

    Prakriti is fascinating, but I am sure quantum computer in coming decades will easily emulate it.  

    There are so many other factors other than electric signals: magnetic signal, spins, quantum tunneling, quantum entanglements (other person's psyche interfering/ entangling with the person's psyche during mating, etc).

    Let's see what Elon is trying to do here by just playing in one dimensional electric signal. There could be some interesting cures for some rare diseases, this field was largely left unstudied, and not commercialized.

    Elon always surprises in both good & bad way!