Comment to 'Subtle Body Experience on LSD'
  • It appears that the subtle body or more accurately the subtle senses can be calibrated in a variety of ways.

    As a result of such calibration, depending on the specifics of the substance or modality that is used, those senses will access other possibilities of reality.

    Those possibilities may be parallel realms as in the case of dreams as a modality, they may be other dimensions as in the case of mystics, particularly inSelf yoga practitioners.

    They can also be a different manifestation of the same reality appearing as in augmented reality, just like in the experiment of the video.

    The possibility that is accessed varies based on certain precepts such as the caliber of the individual or their personal faculties, and in the case of applied substances, the coding which is meticulously assessed in laboratories or developed by nature, basically the elemental structure of the drugs.

    Sometimes also, as with a few of my clients who happen to "suffer" from a schizoid disorder, they simply access other realities as a glitch in the matrix that wasn't supposed to be there.

    More and more I am realizing that indeed the realities accessed correlate with the individual in terms of their sense of identity. And, that to me needs a lot of unpacking, in the sense that the worlds and relationships that the schizophrenic access are not at all random.

    What is important is the conclusion of the existence of a myriad of subtle realms, more than one could count. In a way, my family and my relationships are also a reality within the broader reality of my concrete day to day life.

    The matrix in all is inconceivable to the mind. Therefore, it is safer and reassuring to deny the possibilities and rely on this material life with the superficial belief in something.