Comment to 'Genital-less Siddhas'
  • Jay Rishi:

    "These were persons who used physical bodies like ours in previous lives but who graduated to the siddhaloka places where they retracted their genitals."

    Stemming from the above statement, I 'd like to inquire a bit regarding the gradation of yogic cosmological locations and their characteristics.

    Siddhaloka is a holding zone, therefore a variety of activities and practices go on at that level, including reversal of subtle sexual organs, which supports the lack of need for reproduction and sex organs' derived pleasures. 

    Mahalorka is the rebirth resistance zone.

    And, Janaloka is the social resistance zone.

    They are in this order of progression on the purificatory evolutionary ladder. 

    My question is (unless my definitions are incorrect): wouldn't sexual resistance be more effectively accomplished after social resistance? And so, shouldn't a great deal of social resistance or the characteristics of Janaloka be observed prior to, but definitely in siddhaloka?