Comment to 'Deity Series-1: Mapping of Deity Lineage, Energy & Obligations'
  • There is no doubt that your psyche and your writing are filled with Buddha's teaching energy and his grace. Strong thervada influence is very evident!

    You are in thervada masters pool of energy!

    Deities energies are sure strong enough but this entity's spiritual evolutionary status and attraction to prakriti/subtle-gross material nature for constant exploitation is even stronger.

    Limited entity is rooted so deeply in prakriti for eons that even when deity's pull us to their world or appear in lower world (our earth), we could not remember the energy format, because this earth is so anesthetic and attractive that we forget higher experiences. Loneliness is a gift for ascetic but material nature doesn't give it easily or for long time either!

    Also, the perception of deities makes one understand how tiny and puny we are in this existence.

    Even some of these powerful demi Gods have limited power in space and time compared to their super Gods and bosses like Krishna, Shiva, Buddha and Durga, I know from my experience.

    Imagine how microbial we are! The idea of jivatma (class of limited entity) is one with paramatma (unlimited entity) as said in advaiti school of thought is broken into pieces.

    The advice given to me from higher folks is to remove or mitigate the attraction to lower (tamo guna) tendencies like sleep, lust, anger, fear, confusion, ignorance and be in Sattva/ clarity mode of consciousness.

    Easier said than done. But the advice when applied over the years eventually prevents one from taking lower births and possibility for appearing in higher worlds and we can hope for the best in higher realms based on the level of purification attained.