Comment to 'Deity Series-1: Mapping of Deity Lineage, Energy & Obligations'
  • I am really impressed by the lineage diagram. Even though I am personally not researching my own lineage nor have the psychic capability or any interest in doing so, I was struck by the clarity. Well done!

    I took a second look later on and I wondered why oh why it is so difficult to break out of samsara which seemingly includes the entanglement with all those entities and deities. Why isn’t the influence/connection with the deities strong enough to bring liberating insight?

    I always come back round to the conclusion that the goal of inSelf practitioners is not total release from deities and supernatural/heavenly realms but rather to find a place of preference that one finds palatable.

    The question remains: Where can one go and stay forever? Is there such a place? Or will one fall down to lower realms eventually, perhaps after spending eons of existence in the place one strived to qualify for?

    All the possibilities! All the connections! All the obligations! How could one possibly escape?