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Irregular Yoga Practice

Irregular Yoga Practice

On the morning of August 13, 2021, two supernatural beings showed me a yoga student whose record of practice was spotty. Somehow near that person, there was a space with energy from each practice session he completed. Many days were missing from it. Some days when he did incomplete sessions were indicated.

I recognized the student but I turned away to resume my practice which I did just after 4am. The two supernaturals did not leave. They wanted my reaction to the fragmented record. They wanted permission to neglect this student so that they would not send supportive energy into his psyche.

I told them this.

“Whatever little he does on whatever schedule, even a haphazard one, is cumulative. He has nothing to lose by returning to the practice whenever he is under influences which deter the effort. As for your assistance to him, he made some pledge that he would practice if he got grace from deities and gurus. Obviously, he cannot maintain the pledge.

“Leave a package of energy with a year’s supply of motivation and encouragement in his psyche. Let it expand spontaneously if he practices. At the end of a year, check the record. Remove whatever grace energy he did not use. Then again install another package of motivation. He has this benefit accrued to him because of his past lives of practice.”

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Replies (1)
    • Many thanks Rishi !!

      For providing a practical life-saving solution to a struggling yogi. It is not easy to understand our current circumstances and their many complications and hurdles the way you are able, unlike other distant advanced beings.

      Some of us can only try. And, again thank you for taking that into consideration. Your compassion for your students is boundless!

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