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Utilizing Your Spiritual Source for Self Realization

These trees remind me of something I learned from Michael Beloved about yoga and the core-self with its individual relationship with divine energies.

That one can receive the sustenance for self realization from a catalyst source. 

Like this little tree. Growing to its fullest capacity yet not planted in the ground.  It is planted on the limb of a much larger, more connected tree.  A tree so rich in its deep connection and nourishing sustenance that it can support the growth and development of another full tree planted in only one of its many arms. 

Among us are special entities, like this big tree, a source of life for many other beings.  A guru is a special and powerful being that provides an opportunity for other entities to possibly fully self realize....if the conditions are just right.

Self realization is a quiet thing for most  of us. It goes without fanfare and congratulations. But to the little tree, or to the little core-self that suddenly finds itself a self, growing and maturing and developing, it can look beside it with pride and see the massive spiritual source from which it grows. And smile. With a peace that passeth understanding.


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