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New Site

Just wanted to say that the new site layout looks really great.

It's really a pleasure and a boon to be able to witness the evolution of Michael Beloved's transcendental use of technology.  Keep it going!! Thanks for what you do for us.

Replies (1)
    • When the idea for this began in previous lives there was no clear concept about their being technology. The challenges was to convert the thinking phrasing way of expression from a compression process to an expression process.

      Ancient languages were designed for compressing ideas into words which made the languages terse. After thousands of years of using such languages, it was quite an adjustment to convert ideation into what we know today as English, which at this time in history is the best of the expression languages.

      This historic development causes widespread literacy in terms of reading and speaking words but it does not award comprehension necessarily. However those who have something to say can help the situation by being very expressive and less compressive.

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